The sad reality of today is that many people do not control themselves when it comes to Food. They do not eat out of hunger, they just eat for the enjoyment of food which opens the door of many diseases.

Fasting in Ramadan is a powerful way to detox and rejuvenate your body naturally.

Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “Nothing is worse for a person who fills his stomach, it should be enough for a son of Adam to have a few bites to satisfy his hunger, if he wishes more it should be : one-third for his food, one-third for his liquids, and one-third for his breath”


-Sehri is the most important meal in ramadan since it helps us to be alive during the day. Try to have low-carb, high protein meal in sehri.

Staying low on carbohydrates helps you to use fats to provide energy because your body got no choice.

~Here are some Prophet(SAW) sayings related to Sehri:-

•Our Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Eat Sehri as there are blessings in Sehri”

•The Prophet has also said, “Eat Sehri, because in it lie great blessings”

and The Messenger (SAW) also said: “The best Suhoor for the believer is dates.”

Eating dates at the end of your sehri meal is really helpful as it lowers the level of thirst during a fast.


-We all know that our menus of iftar is full of processed and fried items which is not a plus point, since we have few hours to eat we need to make sure to also get rid of the excessive fats which is present in our body. Eat sensibly, if you are eating fried items in iftar then eat something heavy but non-fatty in sehri. Keep dairy items in use such as milk and yogurt.🥛


-Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water because we got limited time to make our kidneys revive. Do not drink liquids which contain caffeine in sehri since it will dehydrate your body and make you very thirsty during your fast.

Get enough sleep💤:

4)Ramadan is the golden time for the muslims to do good deeds and to get closer to Allah but we need to take DEEN and DUNIYA equally, make sure you get atleast 6 hours of sleep, by completing 6 hours of sleep you can attentively perform salah and can concentrate on recitation of quran more.⭐


5)Intake of fruits is really beneficial in Ramadan as it stores energy in you and helps you to overcome the internal weaknesses which are obvious effects of Fasting !


How to capture an epic photograph without expensive cameras !

We preserve the important events and people in our lives by capturing the photos. As you know that time passes quickly before our eyes, So it has to be a perfect shot for a memorable moment! 📷

Tips to take a perfect shot:


* Lighting is the most important thing in photography because it illuminates the photo and the person or the thing which is present in the focus. So you guys need to select the perfect place where you can find lighting easily. To add the interesting lighting, you guys can simply place the person in the shade in order to put even lighting on their face, or you could turn their back to the sun so that hard shadows don’t rake across the face and trust me peeps, Sunlight is the best gift from God for an EPIC photograph.


* If you don’t put effort on getting the right focus the picture would look so ordinary and won’t look so detailed. The best way to get focus is, decide what one subject will be the center of attention, and you’ll have a much more interesting picture. When taking a picture of a person, it’s essential to put the focus point exactly on the eye of the person you are photographing.


* When taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at the person’s eye level because when you position your camera at eye level, your camera sees the subject the way they see you and by doing this you helped your camera to get a good focus and you’ll get a perfect shot !


* Never use flash when you’ve makeup ON. I repeat, NEVER ! Because you will feel like you’ve flour all over your face, and your neck won’t look even that way and surely you will end up looking like a clown. You can use flash outside when unwanted sunlight is popping up.

So, These were the tips to capture an Epic photograph without any expensive cameras. Hope you will like these and appreciate us by liking this blog.


Get To Know Us !

Hello there. This blog is run by two bestfriends, Tamkinat and Ayesha. Before starting our blog we would like you all to know a bit about us. We are two bestfriends who studied in the same school and now are proceeding towards our college lives. We both loved reading blogs and both of us know a little bit about fashion, so we decided to start our own blog. This is the place where you can get to know about new fashion trends, some beauty and general hacks, our reviews on movies, songs, makeup products, and a bunch of other stuff. You all are welcome here and we’ll make sure that you guys like our posts. Feel free to recommend us new ideas and ask us for anything and we’ll try our best to make it up to you guys through our blog posts.
