How to capture an epic photograph without expensive cameras !

We preserve the important events and people in our lives by capturing the photos. As you know that time passes quickly before our eyes, So it has to be a perfect shot for a memorable moment! 📷

Tips to take a perfect shot:


* Lighting is the most important thing in photography because it illuminates the photo and the person or the thing which is present in the focus. So you guys need to select the perfect place where you can find lighting easily. To add the interesting lighting, you guys can simply place the person in the shade in order to put even lighting on their face, or you could turn their back to the sun so that hard shadows don’t rake across the face and trust me peeps, Sunlight is the best gift from God for an EPIC photograph.


* If you don’t put effort on getting the right focus the picture would look so ordinary and won’t look so detailed. The best way to get focus is, decide what one subject will be the center of attention, and you’ll have a much more interesting picture. When taking a picture of a person, it’s essential to put the focus point exactly on the eye of the person you are photographing.


* When taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at the person’s eye level because when you position your camera at eye level, your camera sees the subject the way they see you and by doing this you helped your camera to get a good focus and you’ll get a perfect shot !


* Never use flash when you’ve makeup ON. I repeat, NEVER ! Because you will feel like you’ve flour all over your face, and your neck won’t look even that way and surely you will end up looking like a clown. You can use flash outside when unwanted sunlight is popping up.

So, These were the tips to capture an Epic photograph without any expensive cameras. Hope you will like these and appreciate us by liking this blog.
